
My Dearest Sucka,
I'm sorry it's been a while...I don't know quite what to do with myself. I think it has finally hit me that you are gone. No more phone calls, letters or talk of our pilgrimage back to Seattle. The one thing I'm totally grateful for is the memories. ALL the memories...the good, the bad and the Kabuki nightmare!!! Ha! I put this picture with my note because I know how much you loved to drive and you drove that big car with precision (or simply just really GOOD luck!!). Remember at the Taco Bell drive-thru that one night...man, I thought you were gonna take that light post out! You had to have missed it by millimeters, "Swing this big bitch around like you own it!" I recall saying, amazed that we didn't make contact with any parking lot fixtures! I love you Sucka. I miss you more than you could ever know. No more memories to make, I can only think about the whack, crazy ass shit we did...and did we! Love you Sucka. You made me dance, made me sing...you were with me for my very first karaoke song..."Big Balls" by AC/DC! And at the gay bar of all places!! Ha! We will meet up again...we've got a lot of catching up to do. More later...Love you...TONS! Oh, where has my Sucka gone? I do love you Caacba.

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