
My Dearest "Bartoloka",

How's my Caacba? I found this picture on a blog called The Salad of My Life and it reminded me of these hologram glasses I found at a party store. Made everything surrounded with hearts. And I love anything hearts! I heart hearts. Teehee.

Well, Sucka, tomorrow is the first day of my vacation and we're going to Miami to hop aboard the Mirage of the Seas and cruise to Mexico...the really beautiful part of this trip is the cruise itself is called 70,000 TONS OF METAL!!!! 40 metal bands are getting together with about 3,000 hardcore metal fanatics on a cruise ship for 5 days of nothing but METAL and MAYHEM! Oh, Sucka...I so wish you could join us on this trip. Fuck this sucks that you're not here. We live for this stuff. I know you will be with me in spirit, but I sure do miss you.

AND, unfortunately my Dad is not doing that great, but I will be stopping in to see him on my way home from Florida...I hope that everything will be OK. Also, my sister will be at my Dad's house and this will be the first time ever that my brother, my sister, my Dad and myself will be all together in the same place. Promises to be a good time!!!

No tears, I'll make this short...Love you, Daniel Glen. I will be thinking of you the entire time I'm on this boat. And remember this...if the ship is a rockin' don't come knockin'!! I had to do it. I know you expected it. Get your sea legs on, Captain...



Some sweets for my sweets! I'm sure that you and GiniAnn and Sussan are hangin' out havin' a laughapalooza like we would normally be doing on any decent Saturday night. It's been very "brisk" outside, like Rob would say.
The cupcake pic is from a really neat blog I found - Gypsy Diaries. The ROCK ON was perfect for you...I miss you and all of your rock 'n roll 411, Sucka. Plus you're sweet and sprinkly too. That's why I love you the way I do...sounds like I'm gonna bust out in song..."I did it my way..." Enough already.



Sucka, I found a really cute blog entitled Bad Dogs and Such. Funny shit right there...anyway, the blogger was explaining that Smoky was a little Yorkie that had been found and kept by one of the GIs and helped in the war effort. What a great story. Dogs are the most awesome. I sure do miss having one around - RIP Dickie Doo and Kahlua. Just a small note to say HI, Sucka!

Lovin' Spoonful, always,
Hadda B


Happy NEW YEAR!!! Can you believe it's already 2011? Geez. Where is the time going? Caacba, what am I doing? What am I going to do with the rest of my life? I'm going to be a multi-billionaire...in the next 5 years. Ha! Ha! Good luck on that!!

Love you.