
Dear Dan,

I'm at a loss for words as I'm still hurting..., still trying to ignore this ache in my heart; this void that's left, this emptyness that only "you" filled, that only "you " had a right to claim. For 20 years we became a part of eachother, yet were always so far apart. I looked up to you, loved everything about you, even wanted to "be" you but knew I never could. We had so much in common, speaking almost a language that only "we" knew. Laughing at the dumbest shit. I know life goes on, time heals all wounds, but Dan this is very hard. I will miss you immensly, so much that you can never really know. You'll always be in my heart and we will be together soon enough to listen to some death metal and talk about Hollywood. Forever your friend...

Bill Strong / Minnesota

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