Sucka! Talked to Bill about a week ago and we text often...it's so nice to keep in touch with Bill. He is really fun, we laugh A LOT! He makes me think of you, too. I do miss you Caacba.
You know, this is not the place to rant about stupid bullshit, but some people are put on this planet to be fucktards and assfaces. At work if you're not dealing with bullshit on the phone with customers, you're dealing with it from the people you work with. It just never ends and I need to be self employed! Why couldn't I have been born rich instead of good looking? Ha! Ha! And what people think of me is none of my business (like I would care anyway). But they can keep it to themselves or amongst the other fucktards. Thanks Caacba, I feel much better. Just had to get that off my chest or I would say something to someone I might regret later. And it would be directed at the wrong person probably. You know how that works!
It was raining tonight when I got to work and then it started snowing on top of that. I hope it doesn't get really cold tonight or this shit will be a fucking ice rink. Notice I'm placing a lot of the F-Bomb tonight...just really disillusioned with life right now! Ha!
Love you, Sucka! I still miss you so much. I've become so tired of being up here. It's time for a change of environment. And I really am getting fucking sick and tired of putting up with these fucking retards...
Thanks for listening!
The picture is a French Bulldog - I want 2! I would much rather hang out with dogs than humans anyday. ANYDAY. ANYDAY.
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