Dearest Sucka,
It is cold here right about now. At this moment it is -2 at my house. Could be worse, but it seems like it will never get warm. Sucka, I remember the plants in that picture...you were so good with plants. You even kept that one Christmas pine looking good, and those don't do well inside at all. I sure do miss you, Caacba. The holidays just aren't the same without you. Even when you went to Michigan, I knew you were just a phone call away...missin' you somethin' a might fierce. Ha.
Lovin' you always,
I just wanted to pop in and say hello and Merry Christmas. It's Christmas Day and everything is closed. I wanted McDonalds for breakfast but the only thing open was Starbucks and that is just fine by me, cause you know girl has to have her coffee hawney! I think we both shared similar views on this holiday in that it's very over rated. Spending time with family is something I can only do in small doses if you know what I mean. Shane says hello too and we are doing fine along with the kitties. I miss you and if I could've gotten anything special for Christmas it would've surely been to talk to you just one more time. But that's me, always wanting what I can't have! LOL! Just know that I'm always thinking about you my friend, always.............! I'll check in very soon. Until then......
Your Friend,
It is Christmas time in Juneau and I wanted to call you but I couldn't and that sucked. I was thinking about our dine and dash at the Red Robin. We sure did have our fun in the 90's. One more thing I crossed off my to do list. A dine and dash. I am so glad I sent you that goodie box in July. I wish I would have called you back when you called to thank me for it. I did get to speak to you when you were in Anchorage. And thank you for that picture you sent and yes you were horribly thin. I was so concerned about that. I wish we would have kept in better touch those last four years. I sent all my email Christmas cards to all on my list but I couldn't send one to you. Of course had you had a computer I would have sent you a card at least every week. You know how I am about writing. BAD. But I love to send email cards. Well I am writing this at work and even though I have nothing to do I am not supposed to be on the internet (like that would stop me)Rules schmules. But I had better go. I am loving you Dan. Sussan
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