Hey Sucka! I'm listening to Queensryche and it just flippin' takes me back to our Seattle days. We had so much fun. So many great memories...Chinatown and Kai's storefront. Remember those crazy parties and all the cool people we met? And the wicked teapot and Kai runnin' down the street tearing his pants off and throwing them off the overpass! Oh, the wonderful insanity of it all. I can see it like it was last week. The fortune cookies we stole from the factory when they would leave the door open and the chicken slaughter house that smelled so horrible and we would have to walk by it every day and the rain....the magnificent Seattle rain. Oh, Sucka...I'm so glad we got to do all that stuff together. It was perfect. We had nothing but we had everything at the same time. And my Guess jeans that you tore a hole in the knee...you thought I was going to be pissed about it. I actually liked them more with the hole. And the King Dome, we would walk up to it (slightly impaired) and just be in awe at the sheer size of it. And the bakeries downtown that would have the huge cakes on display and we would talk about those cakes all night! What fools we are for taking the little things for granted, but I guess that's what separates us from the animals. Ha. Sucka, you taught me that a good laugh holds more cure than a thousand doctors. I haven't had a good "internal jog" since you've been gone...it's long overdue. I'm workin' on it...miss you more than I thought possible.
Lovin' you forever,
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