Oooooh! Ain't we something. Ha! Ha! Love those checkered pants, Sucka! I so miss you schooling me on all kinds of music. Loves me some Crosby, Stills & Nash AND Young ('cuz A Man Needs a Maid!)!! You haven't taken me to the dark side completely...I'm still unsure about Dylan (remember the Talking Bear Mountain Picnic Massacre Blues! Too much...). Thank you, Sucka, for sharing that intimate part of you, with me. I still have the vinyl you gave me...Sticky Fingers with the zipper intact and Up In Smoke with the mongo rolling paper! I cannot put into words how much I love you, so I won't even try at this moment. But, those wonderful parts of you became parts of me and like the heartache I feel because you're gone, will never go away. And that, I can be thankful for. Love you, Sucka.
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