I was reading a blog post from sprocketink.com "Five Examples Of Why Dogs Truly Are Man's Best Friends" and it was a great post! The pictures above were taken from that post. The top picture is Hawkeye, the beloved dog of Jon Tumilson, a Navy SEAL and one of the 22 men that were killed when their Chinook helicopter was taken down by Afghan insurgents. Jon's sister took the picture of Hawkeye laying beneath Jon's casket during the service...I need a tissue.
The bottom picture is of Yurt, the dog belonging to Kevin McClain, a terminal lung cancer patient that was in hospice care. Kevin's dying wish was to see his dog one last time...I'm so glad that he got his wish...and that when Kevin passed, Yurt went to a wonderful family that will give him a forever home.
It kills me to see animals mistreated. They give us so much and ask so little in return. How could someone abuse that? People that abuse animals or children are assfaces and do not deserve the love of a dog.
Sucka, I've really been Jonesin' to get another dog. After Dickie Doo left us, I just can't decide which way to go...I could give some wonderful pound puppy a forever home. I have to go to animal control on a day when I'm emotionally strong enough to walk in there and walk out with only ONE dog. I go in to those places and I cry, I get angry seeing all these animals left to fend for themselves (until they are picked up and taken to the pound) and I want to take them ALL home. But I know I can't do that because then you would see me on that show "Animal Hoarders", and I just couldn't do that to the animals! Ha!
Reid has to talk me down after we go in there...all of this because people are too stupid or self-absorbed to take care of their animals. Let them roam around and procreate time after time after time. OR those stupid f*cks that consider themselves "breeders" and are really just small-time puppy mills. OK, Sucka...you know where this is going and I will stop now, before I work myself up again...
"I just can't talk about that right now"
I love you Sucka!
Heather Bee
AAHHHHHHH! Caacba, I can't get this damn jingle out of my head...it's for 10AnchorageCoupons.com. Whoever wrote that jingle needs some advertising awards...it's been stuck in my head for two weeks now...ENOUGH! "You can even win ten thousand bucks..." IT WON'T GO AWAY...