Going down memory lane, I discovered a Judas Priest song from "Sin after Sin" and it reminded me of are my last rose of summer...wrote a song about it, wanna hear it, here it goes:
Throughout the soft and timeless days of august
'til now the shadows begin to grow much longer
The sunset's fire has deepened blood red
I give you this, the last rose of summer
A token of my unyielding love
So when the winter's mantle stills the earth
And all around seems dead and cold
This rose reminds you of a time when all was warm and living
Do not despair, mother nature simply rests
In sleep she has well earned
'til one day not so very far from now
With the opening of the first rose buds I shall return
A token of my unyielding love
So that when winter's mettle steals the earth
And all around seems dead and cold
This rose reminds you of a time when all was warm and living
The last rose of summer
The last rose of summer
in your long shadows
The last rose of summer
in the sunset
The last rose of summer
take this rose that I give you
The last rose of summer
The last rose of summer
don't worry about the winter
The last rose of summer
I shall return
The last rose of summer
The last rose of summer
Missin' You, Caacba
Another great pic of Kipper was found...will share on next post.
Heather Winger

I'm so excited about the shows coming up. It's gonna be grand. Sucka, losing you was a heart-wrenching blow to my core...I sure do miss you. The above is a sketch of Reid trimming split ends...ha. How ironic...Reid is nothing BUT a split end. Kinda like the Top's truly hideous, but people tolerate it. I need a Laughapolooza, Sucka...
I love you.
The worst day of my far
Feb 26, 2009, 10:22 pm
So, This morning, my son and I left to go to Winter Camp with his school - a small, charter
school. We got there first - I got the best bed! I helped in the kitchen, and helped
kids with breadmaking. Then, I was in charge of the lodge - keeping the fire going,
taking care of cold, wet kids. There is no cell phone access here. Around 3 or 4 pm - I
forget, really - I looked up to see my 23 year old daughter walking through the crowd
of kids, yelling "mom!" - "KARA!" I looked up - I knew right away something was wrong -
she doesn't even have a working vehicle! How did she get here - WHY is she here? With
THAT look on her face? A dear, old friend that I have known for 33 years - since we were
12 - died this morning. Tracy Lynn (Stansell) Cummins. All I could think about was
getting to the "3rd Musketeer". Our other friend, Lisa. We were inseparable from ages
12 to 17 - we knew each other before periods - let alone, boyfriends or babies! Lisa
hadn't heard. It was awful to have to be the one to tell her. As we were reminiscing,
and talking of old times, and old friends, she mentioned (casually) the passing of
another dear old friend. Unfortunately, I had not heard of this passing - and it had
been a year and a half! Danny - my beautiful boy! My crazy, little pansy!! WHY did I
not know you were gone?? It's as if I lost both of you today, and now I can't wrap my
head around it all. I came home and was going to call my good friend, Phil. But, before
I could, his fiancee' called me. His sister died this morning. Seriously - COULD today
suck more? It probably could - but I think I've had enough!!!! Really, God, if you're
there - please - I am 6 feet from the edge, okay?? No more. No more.
March 26, 2009 - Danny, Danny, Danny! I must tell your friends the story of how we met!
I still remember it just like yesterday! We were here, in Juneau, Alaska. At the "Games
People Play" arcade. I was all of 14, maybe 15. You said, "Can I bum a smoke?" I said,
"what are you? 12?" You replied, (a bit offended!) "I'm 13!" "Oh", I said, "well in that
case....." and handed you a cigarette. You and I were friends from that moment on! How
would I have heard Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers "Don't Do Me Like That" without you?
WHO ELSE would have taped those horrible songs from Flock of Seagulls on my MTV video
tapes in the early 80's? And, later, in Anchorage - you saved me from the "man" I married
when he tried to hurt me while pregnant with my now 23 year old daughter. When my brother
was hurt in a car accident and in a coma and I had to fly from Juneau to Anchorage, (On
CHRISTMAS DAY, no less!) Who met me at the airport, sat around the hospital, then took me
to their home, fed me, and tucked me in for the night? You, my friend. I have been so
involved with Tracy's family, that it has taken me this long to confront the fact that you
are gone, too, and no one told me. I guess Jess left Lisa a message, but it never got to me. I
am just....sick! Sick that I didn't know. Sick that I didn't get to say goodbye. And SICK
that I could have BEEN THERE in Sitka for your memorial. This summer, I will take a couple
of days, and go to Ketchikan for the spreading of Tracy's ashes. And I will make a stop in
Sitka. I will go to the beach where your ashes were spread. I WILL FIND where your ashes were spread.
Even if I have to go alone. I will say "goodbye". And, sadly, I will smoke 2 cigarettes
- 1 for you and 1 for me. I will write again, and I will find those old pictures of you
- especially that "otherwordly" one in front of the Merchant's Wharf - DAMN, you looked
GOOD! I can't begin to say how much I miss you - but I will try to find the words. I
will find that old Peechee you wrote on, and scan it in and send it on. I am lost.....
God, I miss you! I love you, my dear old friend.
Kara Altman
I'm posting this for Kara. Thanks Kara!!!
Feb 26, 2009, 10:22 pm
So, This morning, my son and I left to go to Winter Camp with his school - a small, charter
school. We got there first - I got the best bed! I helped in the kitchen, and helped
kids with breadmaking. Then, I was in charge of the lodge - keeping the fire going,
taking care of cold, wet kids. There is no cell phone access here. Around 3 or 4 pm - I
forget, really - I looked up to see my 23 year old daughter walking through the crowd
of kids, yelling "mom!" - "KARA!" I looked up - I knew right away something was wrong -
she doesn't even have a working vehicle! How did she get here - WHY is she here? With
THAT look on her face? A dear, old friend that I have known for 33 years - since we were
12 - died this morning. Tracy Lynn (Stansell) Cummins. All I could think about was
getting to the "3rd Musketeer". Our other friend, Lisa. We were inseparable from ages
12 to 17 - we knew each other before periods - let alone, boyfriends or babies! Lisa
hadn't heard. It was awful to have to be the one to tell her. As we were reminiscing,
and talking of old times, and old friends, she mentioned (casually) the passing of
another dear old friend. Unfortunately, I had not heard of this passing - and it had
been a year and a half! Danny - my beautiful boy! My crazy, little pansy!! WHY did I
not know you were gone?? It's as if I lost both of you today, and now I can't wrap my
head around it all. I came home and was going to call my good friend, Phil. But, before
I could, his fiancee' called me. His sister died this morning. Seriously - COULD today
suck more? It probably could - but I think I've had enough!!!! Really, God, if you're
there - please - I am 6 feet from the edge, okay?? No more. No more.
March 26, 2009 - Danny, Danny, Danny! I must tell your friends the story of how we met!
I still remember it just like yesterday! We were here, in Juneau, Alaska. At the "Games
People Play" arcade. I was all of 14, maybe 15. You said, "Can I bum a smoke?" I said,
"what are you? 12?" You replied, (a bit offended!) "I'm 13!" "Oh", I said, "well in that
case....." and handed you a cigarette. You and I were friends from that moment on! How
would I have heard Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers "Don't Do Me Like That" without you?
WHO ELSE would have taped those horrible songs from Flock of Seagulls on my MTV video
tapes in the early 80's? And, later, in Anchorage - you saved me from the "man" I married
when he tried to hurt me while pregnant with my now 23 year old daughter. When my brother
was hurt in a car accident and in a coma and I had to fly from Juneau to Anchorage, (On
CHRISTMAS DAY, no less!) Who met me at the airport, sat around the hospital, then took me
to their home, fed me, and tucked me in for the night? You, my friend. I have been so
involved with Tracy's family, that it has taken me this long to confront the fact that you
are gone, too, and no one told me. I guess Jess left Lisa a message, but it never got to me. I
am just....sick! Sick that I didn't know. Sick that I didn't get to say goodbye. And SICK
that I could have BEEN THERE in Sitka for your memorial. This summer, I will take a couple
of days, and go to Ketchikan for the spreading of Tracy's ashes. And I will make a stop in
Sitka. I will go to the beach where your ashes were spread. I WILL FIND where your ashes were spread.
Even if I have to go alone. I will say "goodbye". And, sadly, I will smoke 2 cigarettes
- 1 for you and 1 for me. I will write again, and I will find those old pictures of you
- especially that "otherwordly" one in front of the Merchant's Wharf - DAMN, you looked
GOOD! I can't begin to say how much I miss you - but I will try to find the words. I
will find that old Peechee you wrote on, and scan it in and send it on. I am lost.....
God, I miss you! I love you, my dear old friend.
Kara Altman
I'm posting this for Kara. Thanks Kara!!!

I booked my ticket to Minn/St. Paul. Bill and I are going to the metalfest featuring Lamb of God, Children of Bodom and some others...also, I booked us tickets for Queensryche two days later at the same venue!! I am so have no idea. Everything is coming together on this! Yay! I know you'll be there in spirit, but I wish your body could be there too! In the mosh pit! Ha! to you soon! Loves you mucho!
Metal up yers! Ha!
SUCKA!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! One day late, but me and Kim went out and had one for you. We love and miss you so much, Caacba. I saw Gayla's husband on TV for the Iditarod ceremonial start in downtown. I'll have to send an email "Hello!" Happy Birthday again, Sucka! WE LOVE YOU MUCHO!!!!!!
PS - Enjoy your birthday chicken...I hear it's good luck in some parts of the world.
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